How to do Gmail login in codeigniter 3?
How to do gmail login in codeigniter 3? Setting up the environment: This step involves setting up the development environment for Codeigniter, including setting up a web server, configuring the database, and installing the Codeigniter framework. Setting up the controller: This step involves creating a controller file and configuring it to handle requests for gmail […]
How to Protect CodeIgniter Forms with CSRF Tokens
Edit Config.php file $config[‘csrf_protection’] = FALSE; $config[‘csrf_token_name’] = ‘csrf_test_name’; $config[‘csrf_cookie_name’] = ‘csrf_cookie_name’; $config[‘csrf_expire’] = 7200; $config[‘csrf_regenerate’] = TRUE; $config[‘csrf_exclude_uris’] = array(); Replace the above code with : $config[‘csrf_protection’] = TRUE; $config[‘csrf_token_name’] = ‘csrf_test_name’; $config[‘csrf_cookie_name’] = ‘csrf_cookie_name’; $config[‘csrf_expire’] = 7200; $config[‘csrf_regenerate’] = TRUE; $config[‘csrf_exclude_uris’] = array(); <form action=” ” method=” “> </form> Replace the form […]
How To Add Ai Chatbot in Web Application Using Php ?
Add ai chatbot in your web application What is ai chatbot ? First of all,ai chatbot is automated program that simulates and processes human conversation for example. written and spoken,ai chatbot gives humans the opportunity to talk to a digital device, to have a conversation as if they were talking to a real person. ai […]
How to use google to sign in into php codeigniter 3 ?
Use Google to sign in into php codeigniter 3. If You want to use google to sign in into php codeigniter 3 using google account then this artical for you.Google provides google oauth api for use google account for login as google into php codeigniter 3.It Provides google oauth 2.0 api whis is very powerfull […]
Facebook Login for Website in codeigniter
Facebook login for website using facebook api Why Facebook login for website ? Nowadays Website users are not interested in regitration using manually filling click registration or sign up process is helps to get more subscribers and followers to your website. facebook web login is very fast and powerfull way to one click facebook […]
5 Star Rating And Review System in Php
Star rating and review is a type of rating scale utilizing a star symbols or similar other symbols. It is used by reviewers for ranking things such as products, Services, hotels, and others. For example, a system of one to five stars is commonly used in hotel ratings, with five stars being the highest rating. […]
How to add and display review in php using ajax and jquery
How to add and display review in php using ajax and jquery ? We are Going to add review section in php using ajax jquery. In this Artical, We Will create product review and five-star rating system in PHP and Mysql using Ajax and jQuery. Review or Star rating system is very important functionality in […]
Track location using Ip Address in Php
Track location using Ip Address in Php track location by ip address in php <?php $ip = getenv(“REMOTE_ADDR”) ; $url = “”.$ip.”/json”; $userInfo = file_get_contents($url); $result = json_decode($userInfo,true); echo “<b>IP Address : </b>”.$result[‘ip’].”<br>”; echo “<b>City : </b>”.$result[‘city’].”<br>”; echo “<b>State : </b>”.$result[‘region’].”<br>”; echo “<b>Country Code : </b>”.$result[‘country’].”<br>”; echo “<b>Latitude & Longitude : </b>”.$result[‘loc’].”<br>”; echo “<b>Timezone : […]
Get Ip Address Using Php
Get Ip Address Using Php get ip address using php script <?php $ip = getenv(“REMOTE_ADDR”) ; echo $ip; ?>
Top Interview Questions of Codeigniter Framework
Top Interview Questions of Codeigniter. A List of frequently asked questions in codeigniter for interview What is Codeigniter ? Most Important Features in Codeigniter ? What is the Folder Structure of Codeigniter ? Explain architecture of codeigniter ? What are model in codeigniter ? How to add or load a model ? How to load […]